Yikes. It's been a WEEK since I posted last! Damn. I hate that. But it's been a crazy, stressful week. I'm still working at the Red Cross, and as much as I love my job, the pay is rather poor. So....to keep the bills paid, I took a second job awhile back. This week, I switched Job #2. I started at a new place, and spent the entire week in training!! So....I had a week of Full-Time hours in both places. Man, I can't believe I'm still awake and alive today. But the benefit of the second job is that it will (hopefully) keep us in the black. And I can put away a stash of money before Christmas. I couldn't care less about me, but the kiddies definitely deserve a nice Christmas. With the amount of time both Mike and I have been spending at work, they are feeling a wee bit neglected. I try my best to make sure I spend as much time as possible with them, but it's tough. Yesterday, Chad had a JFL game, Bella had a Cheerleading workshop, and Ana had a soccer game. On top of that I took them to a big community Halloween party. As much fun as it was, I am definitely lacking in the sleep area.
I'm tired of the stress though. This economy is just killing us right now. I never thought we would be in this place. A place where I have to work 60 hours a week just to pay my bills. When Mike lost his job last year, things went South....fast. A person takes a lot for granted, that's for sure. And the automotive industry has been hit harder than most by the failing economy. So that wonderful $30/hour job he had went bye-bye.....and his new job pays about 1/3 of what he made at Mitsubishi. We've cut massive corners, but it just isn't enough. Gas prices, electric prices, grocery prices....everything is so high right now. There are days when I just want to cry. For now though, we are dealing with things. And if waiting tables is what I have to do to keep us with food on the table and a roof over our heads, I'll do it. Truthfully, I LIKE working in a restaurant. The people are friendly, the micro-brewery that I'm working at is high-end, and the money can be fantastic. Of course, talk to me in a few weeks and we'll see where my head is then!!
On the reading front, I'm 2 reviews behind: Dead Girls' Dance by Rachel Caine (Book two of the Morganville Vampires) and Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. Both are forthcoming. I need a new book to start too. I'm thinking I might just plunge into The Duma Key by Stephen King. And maybe grab an ARC or two as well. Any reading suggestions from the masses??
Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Sunday Salon - Stress is the Name of the Game
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7:29 AM
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Oh Stephanie I can't believe you are even getting any reading done with your schedule! Hope the new job continues to go well and try to get in a nap here or there! Hugs.
Steph, I just had to comment on this post -- you are such a great parent and an inspiration to the rest of us, doing what needs to be done and not letting it get you down. They probably don't know it now, kids being kids, but I hope one day your kids realize how lucky they are to have you for their mom.
Poor you! I hope your stress levels go down soon!
Have you read Uglies by Scott Westerfeld yet? That is an amazing story!
I'm really sorry to hear things have been so stressful, Stephanie! Hopefully they'll get better soon. At least you're adjusting to your new job well and the people are friendly...that can make such a big difference, can't it?
I agree with Tammy... what you're doing for your children is wonderful.
I hope you have more time to rest, relax and read in the near future. And I really look forward to hearing what you thought of the Bradbury book!
I feel your pain. My husband lost his job about a year ago too and is now making about 40% less than he was. It's tough making ends meet but so far we are managing.
Hope things ease up for you soon.
You have a wonderful attitude.
I do hope things will settle down for you, Stephanie. It sounds like you have quite a bit on your plate. It really is a rough time for so many right now. I'm thinking of you and your family.
Gosh, I'm exhausted just reading about all the work you're doing. I hope you get a chance to relax a bit in there somewhere.
Oh hang in there! I hope everything works out and you are doing a great job!
I would recommend the book "In the Woods" by Tara French. I am currently reading it and am loving it.
I've told you this before Steph, but I'm saying it again - You're one hell of a mom! I honestly don't know how you do it. I hope that this crappy economy turns around soon and you can catch a breather!
Hang in here, Stephanie. Your situation is one with which many of us can both identify and sympathize. I lost my job in March 2007, was out of work for seven months, and have been working for about a year now at 45% of my previous salary.
It's tough but thank goodness for the escape offered by good books...keep reading and smiling. I'm confident that things will get better not to far up the road.
I'm sorry the economic downturn has hit you so hard and glad you've at least been able to find work to fill in the gaps, exhausting as it is. Kids often understand more than we give them credit for. I'm willing to bet they'll eventually tell you how much they appreciated your hard work. :)
Hugs and wishes for a little time for yourself!
Iliana - Actually at the Red Cross, I have some down-time. Plus an hour lunch. I do a lot of reading there. A nap is always good!
Tammy - Thank you so much! Seriously. I almost cried when I read you post. (Of course, that could be contributed to lack of sleep!) I try, I really do. I hope it's enough.
Tink - I hope the stress goes down too. I'm thinking by January, I'll get into a better frame of mind. I really do plan on taking extra shifts till then. It's funny you should mention Uglies. I pulled it off the stack a couple of days ago. I think I may have to read it next!
Nymeth - Thank you!! Yes, fun & friendly people certainly make a better work environment. So far, so good!
Amy - Well...if my attitude wasn't good, it would really bring Mike down. He tends to get really depressed about things. Worse than I do. I figure as long as we have a house to live in and food on the table, the rest will come.
Wendy - Thanks! I really appreciate it. Times are bad all around. At least I know I'm not alone.
Tanabata - Oh...I can relax on Saturday (after the next JFL game and soccer game!) As long as I can get at least a day off a week, I'll be good to go!
Amanda - Thanks! I haven't heard of In the Woods, but I'll definitly check it out!
Chris - Thanks Chris. Sometimes I wonder HOW I will do it, but so far so good. And sometimes I wonder if it will be enough or if I'm spending too much time away from the kids. But choices are limited right now. At least my in-laws live close and they step in when I need it.
Sam - I'm sorry to hear that times are tough for you as well. It's just crazy in the world right now. A little stability would be nice. But you are right. A good book makes up for at least some of the problems. I can always get lost there...at least for a little bit.
Bookfool - Thanks! The kids do understand, at least for the most part. It just doesn't make it easier for them. And I still miss them like crazy some days.
I know it's tough but you are doing an amazing job of keeping positive (at least here...which is one step at least). Things will start looking up--and being a not too long ago kid I can vouch that we do understand. My dad lost his job back in the 90s and it was difficult, but kids are so resilient.
I wish I could tell you that there will be a brighter light at the end of the tunnel.. but often there is not. The trick is to not forget to smell the roses, play/talk with the kids, make sure you set aside a little time for you and hubby alone. It makes life a lot better.
Can I just say how inspirational you are?!! It's just not right that people have to spend so much of their time "on the job" just to get by. And yet despite all the time you spend at work, you still manage to spend wonderful, loving time with your kiddos. And they'll remember that! I grew up in a hard-working blue collar family...my parents both worked so hard, and worked all the time. We literally had babysitters 5 or 6 nights a week. And there was more than one occasion when Dad was on strike, and he'd have to get some minimum wage job and we'd really struggle. Yet whenever they could, they'd spent their time with us. Sure I remember feeling like I rarely saw them, but I also remember even more strongly those wonderful times they spent making 500 subs with us for our fund-raiser, and and the all the time Mom spent making crafts with me, and how Dad tried to teach me golf, etc., etc., etc.
I hope so very, very much that things turn around in this country soon! You deserve more time at home, more time for yourself, more time with your family! But until then you make me very proud to call you "friend". And never doubt that your sweet little munchkins will always appreciate your sacrifices!
Oh Stefanie, it's so unfair! you shouldn't have to work 2 jobs and your husband one, just to make ends meet! I've worked two jobs before, many times, and so I pray that you won't have to do this for too long because I know the toll it will take on you, your health, and your family. Not to depress you! I'm worried, that's all, because now all the economists are saying gloom and doom, and it makes me mad because it doesn't have to be this way. Just know that your kids know what you are doing for them, and your husband, and things will get better one day. they do get better. and the fact that you can find time to read in the midst of all this - here's a hug and a prayer that you both find good things in the coming year.
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