I think I have a case of the blahs. Maybe it's the fact that I have been working so much. Or maybe it's the weather (right now we are in the middle of a big snowstorm. 5 - 7 inches of the awful white stuff tonight). Whatever the reason, I'm just in some kind of funk. I haven't felt like reading. I haven't felt like posting.
Actually, I've got a really bad headache right now. Not quite a migraine, just enough of a throbbing to make me slightly miserable. The only thing I really feel like doing is putting on my flannel pj's, crawling on the couch, and snuggling in to watch some TV. You know. I think that's what I'm going to do.
Sorry to be such a bore this week. Hopefully, this funk will lift...soon!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Blah, Blah, Blah
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7:22 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Reading is Inpirational
Isn't this just about the sweetest???
And borrowed shamelessly from Biblioaddict:
Posted by
7:59 AM
Labels: Reading
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Pub Challenge 08
Here are the rules:
Want to read more books that are published in the current year? You’ve come to the right place! This challenge lasts all year. The rules are simple:
- Read a minimum of 8 books published in 2008. (Library books are acceptable!)
- No children’s/YA titles allowed, since we’re at the ‘pub.’
- At least 4 titles must be fiction.
- Crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
- Titles may be changed at any time.
- Duma Key: A Novel by Stephen King (Jan 08)
- The Bleeding Dusk: Gardella Vampire Chronicles Book III by Colleen Gleason (Feb 08)
- Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult (Apr 08)
I'm sure I will find 5 more books to add to the list sometime this year!! I also want to read Chosen: A House of Night Novel by PC Cast and Kristin Cast coming out in March. But since it's considered YA, I can't add it to the list :(
Any one else??
Posted by
9:28 AM
Labels: The Pub 08 Challenge
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Arctic Midwest and a Reading Meme
Is Spring coming any time soon?? Let's just put it this way: January in the Midwest $*!@& SUCKS!! When I left for work this morning, it was -7 degrees with a -21 Wind Chill Factor. Sheesh. I need some warmth!! At this very moment, the temp is 1.9...with only a -2 Wind Chill!! Have you ever tried to drag a 180 lb. dog outside when he doesn't want to go?? I don't recommend it!! Wimp. He's supposed to LIKE the snow!!
Anyway, I was tagged by the lovely J. S. Peyton at BiblioAddict for a reading meme. Since I'm lacking on words today for lack of heat, I thought I would post it now!! And this fun meme was started by Eva, from A Striped Armchair.....
Which book do you irrationally cringe away from reading, despite seeing only positive reviews?
Hmmm....that's a tough question. Certain books catch my eye, and others don't. I guess I would have to say Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I know. I know. Everyone loves this book. Hell, even Oprah picked it. But I just have never found the desire to pick it up.
If you could bring three characters to life for a social event (afternoon tea, a night of clubbing, perhaps a world cruise), who would they be and what would the event be?
Well....I guess it would be different people for different events!! I would love to go clubbing with Sebastian Vioget from Colleen Gleason's Gardella Vampire Series. He is hot, dangerous, and not all together trustworthy. But I bet he'd be a blast clubbing in the city of Chicago!!
Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird would make a lovely dinner guest. Of all the books I've ever read, Atticus is probably my very favorite literary character. He's smart, lovely and just so moral. I'd love to sit and chat with him about life over dinner and a bottle of wine.
And afternoon tea would have to be spent with Gandolph the Grey from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. That is one brain I would love to pick!!
(Borrowing shamelessly from the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde): you are told you can’t die until you read the most boring novel on the planet. While this immortality is great for awhile, eventually you realise it’s past time to die. Which book would you expect to get you a nice grave?
This one was easy. I think the most boring book on the planet would be John Banville's The Sea. I don't care if it did with the Man Booker prize. Sheesh. Watching paint dry would be more exciting!!
Come on, we’ve all been there. Which book have you pretended, or at least hinted, that you’ve read, when in fact you’ve been nowhere near it?
I don't know about this one. There were definitely a couple of books in college that I just skimmed. Read enough to pass the test, if you know what I mean. Madame Bovery is the one that comes to mind first!! I know. It's a classic. But I just couldn't get into it back them. Maybe now....
You’re interviewing for the post of Official Book Advisor to some VIP (who’s not a big reader). What’s the first book you’d recommend and why? (If you feel like you’d have to know the person, go ahead and personalise the VIP).
Let's just pretend this VIP is in Government. I would like for the person running our country to show a little compassion, if you know what I mean. I would have to recommend The Words of Mahatma Ghandi by Ghandi, of course. If there was ever a person that was humble and compassionate, it would Ghandi. He could definitely teach a leader some valuable lessons. In the same vein and for the very same reasons, In My Own Words by Mother Teresa.
A good fairy comes and grants you one wish: you will have perfect reading comprehension in the foreign language of your choice. Which language do you go with?
I have always wanted to learn Italian. Talk about the language of love. It's just so beautiful!!
A mischievous fairy comes and says that you must choose one book that you will reread once a year for the rest of your life (you can read other books as well). Which book would you pick?
Absolutely, positively.....To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. My very favorite book and one that I have already reread a few times. It's one of the few books I HAVE reread. I could read it a hundred more times and still love it!!
I know that the book blogging community, and its various challenges, have pushed my reading borders. What’s one bookish thing you ‘discovered’ from book blogging (maybe a new genre, or author, or new appreciation for cover art-anything)?
Another easy question. Neil Gaiman. Anyone who has ever read this blog knows my new obsession with all thing Gaiman. I read my first book this past year, and have since read 4 more of his books. In the same sense, Gaiman has given me a new outlook on the Short Story.
That good fairy is back for one final visit. Now, she’s granting you your dream library! Describe it. Is everything leatherbound? Is it full of first edition hardcovers? Pristine trade paperbacks? Perhaps a few favourite authors have inscribed their works? Go ahead-let your imagination run free.
If I was to have a library in my house, it would have big, comfy chairs, right next to a huge fireplace. Lots of soft, cozy throw blankets as well. The walls would be lined with floor-to-ceiling built in bookshelves. (I would also like to have one of those rolling ladders to be able to reach that top shelf!) And I would have a whole collection of those beautiful leather-bound books that I have been coveting for years!! Man...that would be a dream come true!!
Now, here’s the hard part: As per the rules, I have to tag 4 people for this meme. My choices are… drumroll, please…
Nicola from Back to Books
Chris from Book-A-Rama
Melody from Melody's Reading Corner
Deb from Nothing of Importance
Can't wait to see your responses!!
Posted by
7:15 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Random Thoughts and New Releases

Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: Books, Colleen Gleason, Random Thoughts, Stephen King
Monday, January 21, 2008
Short Story Monday - Smoke and Mirrors The Final Chapter
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5:47 AM
Labels: 'G' Authors, Neil Gaiman, Short Story Monday
Saturday, January 19, 2008
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2:24 AM
Labels: movies
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Let's Review
How much do reviews (good and bad) affect your choice of reading? If you see a bad review of a book you wanted to read, do you still read it? If you see a good review of a book you’re sure you won’t like, do you change your mind and give the book a try?
Posted by
6:48 AM
Labels: Booking Through Thursday, Meme
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Short Story Monday - Smoke and Mirrors Part V
Next week will be the last of Gaiman for awhile (is that a collective sigh of relief, I just heard??) My book will be finished and I will have to find some new writer to covet for a while. But I guarantee you this. I WILL come back to Gaiman again!!
Posted by
5:34 PM
Labels: 'G' Authors, Neil Gaiman, Short Story Monday
Monday, January 14, 2008
My Wonderful Family
Kids. You just have to love them. When they aren't fighting, they are just about the best things in life! Yesterday, for my birthday, the kids (and my in-laws) took me out for lunch at the Olive Garden. Not exactly my "favorite" place, but the kids love it!! It was a really nice lunch except for the singing waiters, who the kids insisted on telling it was my birthday!!
Then we came home for presents. Now....my in-laws really love me. I probably get along better with them than I do my own parents. They got me a boxed set of My So Called Life on DVD! That is just about one of my favorite shows...ever!! I also got The Dresden Files, some new flannel PJ's, some bath and body "stuff", and some money!! Mike got me some new jeans, some cool tennies, and is paying for my hair color (hmmm...what shade should I go THIS time!)
But the kids. Oh, they are so sweet. And they know me better than anyone. They talked Grandpa into getting me something. Each kid paid $5. Now, the older 2 have chores and I pay them a weekly allowance. But Ana is only 5...and she helps me out when she can. But my sweet little girl talked to Grandpa and told him she didn't have any money. So he gave her a couple little jobs to do. And she gave him her "tooth fairy" money!! How sweet is that??? What did they get me?? They had Grandpa order me the new Clive Barker book! It's called Mister B. Gone and I didn't even know it was out yet! Barker hasn't had a new book out in ages and I'm a huge fan. I'm still in shock at them. What great kids!!
Of course, today has been less than stellar. I was late for work this morning....got a speeding ticket on the way in....and couldn't find my insurance card so I got 2 tickets! (the cop said, I could come to the court date with a valid card and he'd drop the insurance ticket). Then he had the gall to tell me Happy Birthday. Jerk.
With a little luck, I'll be back later for Short Story Monday. It's running late today, but then again, so am I!
Posted by
1:33 PM
Labels: Birthday, Family, Random Thoughts
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Kaza Kingsley Blog Tour 2008

If you have read her books, I'm sure you loved them!! After reading the first book (review is to follow), I've found Erec Rex to be an excellent character!! The book is fun, fast-paced and full of magic. Although I won't even bother to compare the books, I know a lot of Harry Potter fans that are looking for a new character to follow. Erec Rex would be a good place to start!!

Now, on to the tour:
"Stephanie, thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today! This blog tour has been a fun adventure so far. It's fun traveling through cyberspace! I hope your readers enjoy the kid picture of me - they can watch me grow older on the other blogs on this tour! I'll be here to answer any questions that come up.
Do you have a daily writing routine? What is it like?
I do! My heavy writing days are so methodical, it's ridiculous. Get up. Run. (Under a mile. I'm happy with that.) Shower. (Too much information?) Check email. Eat something: grapefruit a lot. Then I get all set up at my desk with good organic chocolate with yummies in it (nuts, dried cherries, you name it) and a cup o' green or herbal tea, and I'm all set! I get up for a quick lunch and a few small breaks. And that's it!

How do you deal with deadline pressures?
I'm one of those weird, type-A, Virgo types that feel best when they're ahead of schedule. That said, I still get behind schedule regularly. The way I deal is by setting huge, undoable daily deadlines for myself and then actually trying to do them. I break down the work into big daily chunks. Once I get a lot done I start to relax. And I spend so many hours a day writing that it's really no problem once I get going. It actually helps me get into it more.
If you ever have "writers' block," how do you deal with it?
You know, I've never had it. I won't be so smug as to say it doesn't exist (I know, from life, saying things like that guarantee it will happen to you!) I've always heard just write through writers block and it goes away. I do know that when I've been away from writing a while it gets harder to do. I tell kids when I talk at schools that writing is like lifting weights. The more you do it, you get in "shape" creatively. I think when you're in the writing mode it's hard to get blocked. It also helps that I've plotted out my series. There is always more to plot “ so much in each book“ but I generally know where I'm going.
Do you have up and down days? Can writing be stressful?
I definitely have up and down days, but more from the same mundane things that everyone goes through than from my writing. Things like headaches, getting disappointed about something I was looking forward to, the usual thing we all deal with. Writing can be stressful, but it's kind of a good stress. When my characters are in danger, or sad, I feel it with them, but I also know where they are going, so it's different. Overall, writing is a stress release, a creative outlet for me, so it doesn't cause stress. Okay, if I had a computer glitch and lost a chapter's worth of writing I'd be stressed. Very. But not from writing itself.
What do you do for stress relief?
I run in the mornings “ not far at all “ but I find it helps me a lot. Simple things like taking a long shower make me feel better. And chocolate. I'm a big fan of chocolate! If I really need a pick-me-up a big mug of hot chocolate is the best!
Thank you so much for stopping by, Kaza!!! And to all the readers, just post any questions you might have for Ms. Kingsley!!
If you'd like to follow her through the rest of her tour, here's the schedule:
1/14 A Year of Books,
1/15 Author Chris Rettstatt's blog
1/16 Deliciously Clean Reads,
1/17 Into the Wardrobe,
1/18 Real Gurlz Magazine,
1/19 Chauceriangirl,
Posted by
9:02 AM
Labels: Blog Tour, Kaza Kingsley
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Johnny Depp is SO the Man!!
Last night, for my birthday, Mike took me out to dinner and a movie. And I got to pick the movie!! We usually agree on movies, but I knew a musical was going to be a hard sell. Even though Mike LOVES Johnny Depp, he HATES musicals. Hates them. He was actually SNORING at Phantom of the Opera at the Chicago Opera House. So.....I usually go with my friend Kris. At least she appreciates a good musical!!
Oh....but this movie is fantastic!!! Johnny Depp has cemented himself as the most versatile actor in Hollywood. I already knew that. He's done some of my favorite movies, including What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Finding Neverland. But he is just so good as Sweeney Todd. And he can sing!! Who would have thought?? He is dark, creepy, and completely set on revenge.
Helena Bonham Carter has always been, in my opinion, a total spook (anyone who would be engaged to Tim Burton would have to be!) But I've always liked her. She has that whole gothic thing going for her. And she's good at it. She takes the role of Mrs. Lovett and does wonders.
Alan Rickman is also another favorite of mine. He plays the greatest villains ever.....and Judge Turpin is no exception. He's fantastic to the very end.

But don't take my word for it....go see it!! (if you aren't too squeamish!!!
Posted by
10:12 AM
Labels: movies
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Yes, I'm an Idiot!! ANOTHER Challenge!!
Yes, I know. How dumb can I be?? Another challenge??? Sheesh. But I keep seeing this one ALL over the blog world!! And it's fantasy-related. So, I just HAD to!!
Foxy Writer is hosting the Mythopoeic Challenge. Choose seven books from the list of Mythopoeic Award winners (or nominees list). It runs all of 2008. Sounds like fun!!
Here is the list I have chosen:
- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (come on....did you really think I would take on a challenge like this and NOT throw in somem Gaiman?)
- Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
- The Song of Rhiannon by Evangeline Walton
- Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
- Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
- The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
- Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold
Have you read any of these books?? Questions or comments??
Sorry, I've been absent the last few days. I'm trying to make a habit of posting at LEAST 5 times a week. But I've worked both jobs the last 2 days straight. 13 hours yesterday...and 12 1/2 today. Man....I'm dead. I'm heading up to bed right now. I have to be in early tomorrow. Mike is taking me out to dinner and a movie for my birthday tomorrow night. I'm finally getting to see Sweeney Todd!!
Posted by
8:32 PM
Labels: Mythopoeic Challenge, Random Thoughts
Monday, January 7, 2008
Short Story Monday - Smoke and Mirrors Part IV
Posted by
4:24 PM
Labels: 'G' Authors, Neil Gaiman, Short Story Monday
Sunday, January 6, 2008
One of my favorite people in the blogging (and real world, since she is one of the few I have actually met live and in person!) is Bonnie. Bonnie has many blogs that I read all the time, including Bonnie's Books, Words from a Wordsmith, and Book Around the World, to name just a few. And I am honored to call her my friend.
A few days ago, she bestowed upon me a MWAH!, an acknowledgment that made me smile. Here is what she had to say about it:
"So, the point (and I do have one) to this post is motivated by my desire to hand some of that love and kindness back around to those who have been so very, very, very good to me in this bloggy world. My hope is that those who receive this award will pass it on to those who have been very, very, very good to them as well. It's a big kiss, of the chaste platonic kind, from me to you with the underlying 'thanks' message implied. I really do appreciate your support and your friendship and yes, your comments. ... Mwah!" (actually this quote came from the original post, but you get my drift, right? )
So....with a huge thanks to Bonnie (and a big MWAH back to you), I would like to take a few minutes and throw out a couple of my own:
Kookie, from A Fraternity of Dreamers - Kookie makes me laugh with her obsession with The Flight of the Concords, Lost and Heroes. But her views and reviews seem so in line with mine, that I claim her as a soul sister.
JP from Bombastic Bagman - JP is a relatively new friend in the blogging world, but is a great guy. He has the same taste in books and movies that I do, although I have to teach him about American Football. Cause Rugby and Cricket are his passions, and I know next to nothing about either of them!!
Chris from Book-A-Rama - I "met" Chris through an online Classics Club over 3 years ago. She's a stay-at-home Mom, has great taste in books, and we started our blogs at virtually the same time. I love her book related posts!!
Bellezza from Dolce Bellezza - A fellow Illinoisan, Bellezza is a teacher. She also has the most beautiful way with words. Ever sentence she writes has meaning and I'm always eager for a new post.
Debi from Nothing of Importance - Debi is also a new-to-me blogger. She writes with passion about her kids, which is something that I admire. She also has great taste in books (which basically equates to a taste that is similar to me!!) I'm so glad I found Debi's blog!!
Carl from Stainless Steel Droppings - Carl's passion for Books, art and movies shines through every sentence he writes. He hosts the most fantastic challenges and "experiences". Besides, he was my Secret Santa this year and a truly great guy!!
Chris from Stuff as Dreams are Made On - I've decided that Chris is my long-lost little brother because we are so alike. Not only is he sweet, but he is devoting his life to counseling kids in need. Talk about a guy with a heart. You won't find one bigger than Chris'. And he loves his books!! Great taste (you know where this is going!) He has recommended books to me that I have adored. Keep those recommendations pouring in!!
Nymeth from Things Mean Alot - Nymeth organized the Blogger Secret Santa exchange this year and it was a HUGE success!! She seems to be a World Traveler these days (cause I never know where she's going to be!) Out of all the blogs I read, hers has shown me more great books (that I never would have considered) than any other.
Finally....Andi from Tripping Toward Lucidity - Not only does Andi teach, she writes for various e-zines including her own, Estella's Revenge. She's smart, funny, and has a great head on her shoulders. (and her views are really similar to mine. Guess that's why I think she's so smart!!) I love reading Estella's Revenge and her blog whenever I have a few spare seconds.
Well...I wish I had time to say more. Cause I love each and every blog in my blogroll. So, I'll leave with a big MWAH to all of you!! Thank you so much for enriching my life and being my friends!! I'd love to meet you all in person some day!!
Posted by
12:07 PM
Labels: bloggers, Friendship, MWAH
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Erec Rex, Kaza Kingsley and a Blog Tour

Posted by
11:23 AM
Friday, January 4, 2008
A Story of Man's Best Friend
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: 'R' Authors, Book Review, Four Legged Friends Challenge
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A New Year and a Rose Bowl Game
After a long night of "partying" with the kids, we finally rang in 2008!! I've been to many New Year's Eve parties in my lifetime. But the ones we've spent at home with the kids are always the most special. Last night was no exception. We played games (ending up with Spongebob Monopoly!), listened to music and finally watched the 'Ball' drop in Times Square. Glasses tinkled as we toasted to us and the New Year. It was really nice.
Today, I am the only one out of bed. It's quiet (except for the dogs barking at the door. I think they are cold. Sheesh. Wimps! St. Bernard's are supposed to LIKE the snow!) And I'm sitting here reflecting on the last year. Things were really weird for us. The hunt for a new job. The money issues. Working a second job. All that stuff was really hard on us as a family. And yet, we are surviving it. In less than a year, both cars will be completely paid off. Money is being set aside for taxes already. And while we won't be able to vacation in the Riviera, we will get by with a lot of budgeting. And little by little, we WILL get ourselves out of this hole caused by layoffs and debt. Maybe it's the freshness of the new year, but I feel hopeful.
I've never been one to make resolutions, and I won't start this year. I just plan on trying to be the best wife, mom, friend, employee and person I can be. It shouldn't take a date on the calendar for people to live a good life. It should be ingrained in oneself. That's how I try to live my life. We'll see how far it gets me!!
It's going to be a great year for reading too, if I can find some extra time during the long days. I am already starting to compile lists and timelines for the upcoming challenges. And there are many!! Man. I love lists!!
And today, the Fighting Illini are playing USC in the Rose Bowl. A little home state pride in that one. (of course, USC might as well be playing on their home field, but I'm hoping the Illini at least give them a run for their money!) I almost went to U of I. But after a visit, just seeing the vast size of the place frightened me off. My hometown of 527 people could practically fit on a few floors of one of the dorms!! So, when it came to choose, I opted for the much smaller, more compact campus of Bradley University. But I still follow the Illini. I hope they do well!!

So....here's wishing all of you good luck and tidings in this shiny new year. I hope you count your blessings today. And thank you for letting me into your world!
Posted by
11:14 AM
Labels: New Year's, Random Thoughts