Friday, January 5, 2007

The "Chunkster" Challenge

Wow! It seems to me that the name of the game in Blogging is CHALLENGES! Now, mind you, I'm very much a newcomer to this arena. But Kelly, who is fast becoming a VERY BAD INFLUENCE on me (let's just call her VBI for short!) has thrown out a couple of challenges that she is involved in....and they sounded VERY interesting! So what did I do?? You guessed it. Mrs. Compulsive here joined 2 more challenges! Yikes.

Of course, as VBI Kelly pointed out, I'm going to be reading these books anyway. Might as well add your name to the challenge!! So here it is. 2nd Challege of the New Year is the Chunkster Challenge, hosted by Bookfool. Between Jan 1 and June 30, read Chunksters (def: any book that is over 400 pages in length!). You get to choose how many you want to complete during this time, so I guess I should make it easy on myself!

So here goes nothing:

  • The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber (also on my TBR Challenge) Pages 920.
  • Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George Pages 964
  • I am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe (also on my TBR Challenge) Pages 738
  • Sunne in Spendour by Sharon K. Penman Pages 936


W said...

LMAO -- girl, you are officially out of control. I Am, that's been on my nightstand ever since I moved into my new place over a year ago. WTF?!? Make it happen with the challenges, chica! You go, girl, or should I say you go read, girl!

Kailana said...

VBI. I like it! lol It will be fun, and it is not like you lose anything if you don't finish them all. You gain something if you do, though, less books on the tbr pile!

Marg said...

I think you will really like Sunne in Splendour. As for VBI....we've been hyping each up over what we want to buy/read for months now and she definitely is a VBI!