Yes, it's that time again! I was going to post a book review today, but my brain is kind of fried, and I'm still trying to put into words my feelings about this book. It's a book that was well written with a unique storyline. And yet, I really hated it. So, I opted for the easy way out!! LIBRARY LOOT!! And of course, my first trip to the bookstore in forever! So...without further adieu, my "haul" for this week:

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling. Yes, I actually own this one. I own the whole series. BUT, they are all 1st Edition Hardbacks. My Harry Potters are one of my few indulgences. I'm saving them as collector's items. I'd love to get a set of the paperbacks just to have and re-read. Till then, I'll make due with the library. This is for the Harry Potter Reading Challenge.

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green is on my list to read for the Printz Project. I hadn't actually planned on reading it right now. But it was a new purchase for my library, and it was just sitting there on the shelf. Looking at me. Had to grab it!!

The Monsters of Morley Manor: A Madcap Adventure by Bruce Colville, is 100% impulse pick-up. I don't even know what it's about. It also hitting a target audience that is generally a little younger than I normally read (9 -12), but I liked the cover. Looks cute.

The last book I actually checked out of the library is The Dark Hills Divide: The Land of Elyon by Patrick Carmen. Yeah, I know. Another series, right? Like I need to start one. This however is the problem I have going to the library with my kids. I browse the Kids and the YA sections while they are looking for books! It's dangerous, I tell you!
Books that I actually Purchased this Week:

Heck, Where the Bad Kids Go by Dale Basye. Isn't this just the cutest (in a really warped sort of way) book you've ever seen? It's about a brother and sister that die in a freak accident and end up in Heck (a reform school of sorts). Not quite Hell, but close! I'm really looking forward to this one!!

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare is the first book in the Mortal Instruments series. I haven't really heard too much about this series, but I really liked the cover. Yes, I know. My shallowness is showing through again. Still, I wanted to give this one a try.

You are so Undead to Me by Stacy Jay is another YA book. This one deals with Zombies. Looks fun. Enough said!

Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert is one of those books I've seen all over the blogosphere lately. Not really sure what it's about, but I thought I would see if it lives up the Internet hype it's getting.

13 Bullets: A Vampire Tale by David Wellington is another first book in a series. A Vampire Series. I've read one of his Zombie books, and liked it. Thought I would give the vamps a chance this time.

99 Coffins by David Wellington is the 2nd book in the series. What can I say? I love all things Vampire and Zombie!!
One would think this would be enough to tide me over....but on top of all these books, my mailbox was FULL the last few weeks with other books:
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (sent as a pass-along from Chris at Stuff As Dreams are Made On)
- The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams (I won this one from the wonderful Trish at Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading?)
- The Night Gardener by George Pelecanos (a giveaway from I Heart Monster)
- Afraid by Jack Kilborn (another giveaway win!)
- Dark Time - Mortal Path (Book One) by Dakota Banks (from publisher for review)
- BabyDoll by Allyson Roy (for a TLC Book Tour)
- The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny (from Shelf Awareness)
- The Twelve by William Gladstone(from Publisher for Review)
- Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (from Shelf Awareness)
- The Purloined Boy by Mortimus Clay (for a TLC Book Tour)
- Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner (an Atria Galley Giveaway)
- Mercury in Retrograde by Paula Froelich (from Shelf Awareness)
Now....If you will excuse me....I MUST get back to Catching Fire!! Later, dear Readers!
Holy crap, Steph...that is one enormous pile of reading you've managed to put together is just one week's time!!!! Enjoy it all!
I hadn't heard hardly anything about City of Bones either, but after I read it I found out they are these hugely popular, NYT best seller books. Who knew?
Stephanie, that's quite some list. I don't know how you do it! My mailbox has been full for the past two weeks. I've literally received a book a day for two weeks. But it is so much fun to accumulate them all, isn't it?
wow...just're giving me a run for my money this week Steph ;) I swear, I may just start sending you money and letting you pick up books for me because I literally now want to read EVERY ONE OF THOSE...except for the ones I've read of course. It's crazy how similar our book taste is! Enjoy Steph...and hope Chad enjoys the Vlad book!
Am consumed with jealousy that you have Catching Fire!!
I want to read You Are So Undead To Me. And the one with the duck on the front cover (now cannot remember the title!) Also, Katherines, but like the other two, they are not (I think) currently available here. WAH!
Wow! That's a lot of books. :) Thanks for mentioning the new Bruce Colville - I LOVED his books as a kid (I even got to meet him once!), so I'll have to check it out. Enjoy Catching Fire! I must be the last person on earth not to have read The Hunger Games.
Library and books bought! That's what I call a good book week!
I am expecting to get hold of the audios of the HP books soon. I am looking forward to it!
I have City of Bones out from the library at the moment.
yay, Katherines! Like everything John Green, it's awesome. Enjoy your books!
I saw Heck at Borders a few months ago and laughed so loudly I suspect other bookworms looked my way.
I did not, however, pick it up.
Please read after Catching Fire! (Oh and review, lol).
And speaking of Catching Fire - you lucky dawg! :))
Great loot! I can't wait to read Catching Fire!!
Happy reading them all!
You found a bunch of great books...I must admit to being a bit jealous :) Can't wait to hear your reviews on them!
Great Haul! I am actually up to that book six in the Morganville series, but I haven't read it yet
Let me know where you stand with Pratchett in a tweet or an email. :)
First of all let me say I am so jealous you have Catching Fire!
As for Cassandra Clare's book yes the cover is first what grabbed my attention but I ended up loving the entire series. I wish there was more hype over it!
Wow, you sure got a lot of books I would mind swiping from you there LOL. They all look/sound so good!
I had a lot of fun with Heck. I just received a review copy of the sequel last week 'Rapacia': 2nd circle of Heck. It looks great too!
It might tide you over...for a bit! ;)
I've always thought Bruce Coville's books sounded fun but haven't actually read one. Your book list looks like you are gearing up for R.I.P. IV...which surprisingly isn't far announcement will be here in less than a month! Yowza, where does time go?
What a great haul! So many awesome books. How jealous am I of you for getting a copy of Hush, Hush? PLUS, Katherines! That was my first John Green book and it is so funny. :D
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